美联社新闻一分钟 2006-02-17(在线收听

1. Neil Entwistle, the British man accused of murdering his wife and infant daughter, was arraigned in court Thursday. Entwistle pleaded not guilty and was ordered held without bail.

2. The investigation into Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident which resulted in the wounding of his friend Harry Whittington has been closed, and no charges will be filed. President Bush says he thinks the vice president handled the shooting just fine.

3. Federal regulators have cited the West Virginia coal mines where 14 miners died last month with a total of 7 safety violations in recent weeks. The lone survivor Randal McCloy Jr. is still recovering in a hospital.

4. Rufus, the bull terrier who became America's top dog Tuesday night, after winning Best-in-Show at the Westminster Kennel Club, had a special lunch at Sardi's restaurant in New York City to celebrate.


1. arraign : verb [T] LEGAL
to formally accuse someone in a court of law of a particular crime and ask them to state whether they are guilty or not:
e.g. He was arraigned on charges of aiding and abetting terrorists.

2. bail : noun [U]
a sum of money which a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial. The payment is a way of making certain that the person will return to court for trial:
e.g. He was released on bail of $100 000.
