美联社新闻一分钟 2006-05-03(在线收听

1. The lawyer for one of the Duke Lacrosse players accused of rape says these pictures prove his client is innocent. Reade Seligmann's lawyer says the photos from an ATM surveillance show his client was doing something else at the time the attack allegedly happened.

2. An emotional day in West Virginia, a hearing is under way into the Sago Mine disaster. Family members had a chance to talk about the 12 men who died when the mine exploded. The owner of the mine says some answers may never be known.

3. Jurors have now spent 6 days deliberating the fate of Al-Qaeda conspirator Zacrias Moussoui. They must decide whether he will live or die for his role in the September 11th attacks. Jury consultants say the longer the deliberations go on, the chances of a death sentence go down.

4. Magician David Blaine is spending his first full day inside a human aquarium. For the next week, he will live in the 8-foot tank, breathing and getting nourishment through a tube. At the end of the stunt, he plans to try to hold his breath for 9 minutes, or trying to escape from chains and handcuffs.


1. deliberate :verb
to think about something very carefully
e.g. The jury deliberated for four days before acquitting him.

2. magician :noun[C]
an entertainer who performs magic tricks

3. aquarium :noun[C]
a clear glass or plastic container for fish and other water animals

4. nourishment :noun[U]
the food and other substances that people and other living things need to live, grow, and stay healthy
e.g. The soil provides nourishment for plant roots.

5. stunt :noun[C]
a dangerous action that is done to entertain people, especially in a film
e.g. Not many actors do their own stunts.
