美联社新闻一分钟 2006-07-06(在线收听

1. President Bush says the failure of North Korea's long-range missile doesn't diminish his goal to deal with the country's nuclear program. The president said the launches make the communist nation even more of an outcast. Bush says he intends to deal with North Korea through group talks, rather than one-on-one negotiations.

2. Ken Lay, who was at the center of one of the biggest corporate scandals in U.S. history, has died. The Enron founder apparently died of a heart attack today in Aspen, Colorado. Ken Lay was 64.

3. The six men arrested in Florida on terrorism charges will be staying behind bars. A federal judge in Miami denied them bond for the suspects accused of plotting to blow up the Sears Tower and conspiring to help al-Qaeda blow up several federal buildings. The men denied the charges.

4. Discovery's crew spent their day using sensitive cameras to check for signs of damage from the launch. Officials say they didn't find anything serious. The shuttle is due to dock at the International Space Station tomorrow.


1. outcast : n-count
An outcast is someone who is not accepted by a group of people or by society.

2. one-on-one : adj
A one-on-one situation, meeting, or contest involves only two people.
= one-to-one

3. dock : v-recip
When one spacecraft docks or is docked with another, the two crafts join together in space.
