

human resources人力资源,firm公司


Letter of Recommendation

When Peters learned that he was being fired, he went to see the head of human resources. "Since I've been with the firm for so long," he said, "I think I deserve at least a letter of recommendation."
The human resources director agreed and said he'd have the letter the next day. The following morning, Peters found a letter on his desk. It read, "Jonathan Peters worked for our company for 11 years. When he left us, we were very satisfied."





1. recommendation推荐。speak in recommendation of sb.口头引荐某人;recommendation for food关于饮食的推荐;a glowing recommendation热烈的推荐。This method deserves recommendation.这种做法值得提倡。Self-praise is no recommendation.自夸不足为自荐。

2. head领导。head在不同语境下搭配不同的词有很多含义:head teacher高级教师;chapter head 每章正文前的标题;head current逆流。

3. human resources人力资源。我们常见的缩写HR指的就是human resources. develop human resources开发人才资源。

4.firm公司。也可以作形容词,是“坚强的”的意思:firm leadership坚强的领导。“固定的”:a firm bargain固定的出价。“紧紧的”: a firm grasp紧紧的一握。“坚定的”:He didn’t stand firm.他站不稳立场。

5.deserve应得,值得。deserve quotation值得引证;deserve admiration值得钦佩.You deserve it.这是你应得的。You deserve this success.你的成功当之无愧。

6.satisfied满意。perfectly satisfied遂心如意;self-satisfied thief自鸣得意的小偷;feel quite self-satisfied心中飘飘然。
