音乐天堂:Spell——Marie Digby(在线收听

这是创作才女Marie Digby 的老歌《Spell》,才华横溢的她曾经说:我不想要让人家觉得我要用音乐来改变这世界,每个人都有一份与生俱来的能力,对我来说音乐上的才华就是如此。希望有一天,我可以用我的音乐带给别人帮助。

Spotlight shining brightly, on my face
I can't see a thing and yet I feel you walking my way
Empty stage, with nothing but this girl
Singing this simple melody and
Wearing her heart on her sleave

And right now
I have you, for a moment I can tell I've got you
Cuz your lips don't move
Something is happening
Cuz your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

Beauty emanates from every word that you say
You've captured the deepest thoughts
In the purest, and simplest of ways
But you see, I'm not that graceful, Like you
Nor am I as eloquent
But just a simple melody
Can change the way that you see me

And right now, I have you
For a moment I can tell I've got you
Cuz your lips don't move
And something is happening
Cuz your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

And all my life I've stumbled
But up here I am just perfect
Perfect as I'll, ever be

I have you, for a moment
I can tell I've got you
Cuz your lips don't move
And something is happening
Cuz your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you
