访谈录 迈克尔·基顿夺金球影帝 领奖时哽咽落泪(在线收听

 Time now to go back to Lara in L.A. after that fun night at the Golden Globes. And Lara, it’s time to dip back into that Facebook fish bowl. 

Yeah, George, I’m glad you mention that. You know the Globes are known as the loosest of all the awards shows. Champaign is flowing. At back stage it's a tradition to toast with the winners. A new tradition for us at "GMA" involves you our viewers. You send us some terrific questions and here are your answers. 
These are questions from our viewers for the winners. Would you be kind enough to reach into the fish bowl?. 
Amat from Michigan. Do you worry more about your speech or what you were going to wear? Definitely what I'm going to wear. 
Agnette from Ohio, how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? 
That's a very good question, you know.
That is? Which the answer is…chuck the wood -- oh, my god. That is brutally complicated. 
When they're announcing the names of the nominees, what's going through Maggie Gyllenhaal’s mind? I was…held my brother's hand. 
I would like to hold your brother's hand, too. 
Well, you can hold my hand by proxy, not hold my brother’s hand.
Thank you. 
Tequila, Yes or no?  In a bit, yeah, where are you?
If you're having a small dinner party, name four people you would invite. Chris Rock, Dave Shahpel and Louie Sukay and Amy Poehler. 
X I probably would want Prince because I want to hear what he's thinking. I was like…man, Prince announces us winning this award, I will be so happy and then when he said of course, glory from the film Selma, comedy John legend, I was like ah! 
What is the one question you hate to answer? When did you go bald? I went bald at 16. 
Barry Manilow from Montana. No, Barry Manilow is not from Montana. 
He may have a home there. 
Barry from Montana. 
Sara from Facebook. Do you enjoy attending these award shows or would you rather be home watching it on TV in you p.j.s? I don't watch TV and don't wear pajamas. 
So that’ not X.
Brian from New York. What do you think of Amy and Tina as hosts? I mean they are brilliant. Come on, Brian, are you serious? They're hysterical. I sort of…I feel like I got invited to a free comedy hour, I was like I don't have to pay for this?
Good morning, America! 
And good night. 
And good night from us here in L.A. It has been an all-nighter. We want to thank you our viewers for all of those great questions including, George, how much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? 
It's been a long night, Lara. Ok, thank you.