访谈录 美国偶像首届冠军凯莉·克拉克森谈怀孕感受(在线收听

 …speaking out about becoming a mom. The superstar opening up for the first time about her difficult pregnancy that landed her in the hospital. ABC’s Abbie Boudreau has that story.

She sings about being stronger. And this morning, Kelly Clarkson is revealing new details about her difficult pregnancy with her now seven-month-old daughter River Rose, telling BBC radio, she had a horrible experience. 
I was like hospitalized, and it was just a bad pregnancy. So I kind of had to take off way more time to normal. 
Clarkson said she had extreme nausea, sometimes, throwing up 25 times a day. 
I think a reason that she opened up about that is to explain why she wasn’t as much, you know, in the forefront.
Clarkson began experiencing difficulties early on in her pregnancy and joking about it was Allen before things got worse. 
It’s miserable. 
I’m so happy. I’m pregnant now with just…
It’s a fact that pregnant woman throws up 25 times a day for the majority of her pregnancy. That’s really consistent with the diagnosis of hyperemesis or HG. And we heard about that with Kate Middleton. 
Doctor Jennifer Ashton said hyperemesis is somewhat uncommon, but can be very serious. 
We don’t know what causes it, but we do know how to treat it, and that could be anything from changing their diet, to needing to hospitalize them to placing an indwelling feeding tube in some cases.
Despite the challenges leading up to little River’s arrival, she says motherhood changed her for the better. 
You have, like a baby and you realize, like how much of a just complete crap you were. It’s nice to have a different perspective. 
And based on this adorable YouTube video Clarkson released last Friday of River Rose dancing to her mom’s new single. 
It’s no wander Clarkson says she would do it all over again.