访谈录 美国共和党议员兰德·保罗宣布参加2016年总统竞选(在线收听

 Politics now and the next official candidate for president, Kentucky senator Rand Paul will launch his campaign in L today, pitching himself as a different kind of Republican, ABC's John K is covering the kickoff, John, Paul is trying to set himself apart from the pact on both substance and style.

He sure is George and he is a different kind of Republican, he is a Republican who has supported the president on his efforts to strike a nuclear deal with Iran, he is also somebody who has proposed easing anti-drug laws, he has suggested the war on terror has gone to far and push for privacy protections, he has in the past anyway proposed big cuts to defense spending and on style this is the most tech savvy of any of the candidates in either party, he is somebody who loves to use Twitter even Snapchat, he'll be holding a Facebook town hall meeting after his announcement today and George that will also be something you can see on periscope.
Ok, if you have periscope, we hope so, you know in polling he starts out in the middle of the pack overall, but with real pockets of strength in both Iowa and New Hampshire those key states.
That's right, if you look nationally at the polls, he is down near the back, but he is much stronger in Iowa and New Hampshire places he's spent a long time, and by the way George places his father who ran for president several times, and did quite well in 2012, if you remember Ron Paul the father came in third, a very close third in Iowa, second in New Hampshire, he is hoping to get some of those supporters, but one thing you know father Ron Paul will not be seen much on the campaign trail, he'll be in the announcement today in Kentucky, but he is giving no interviews something very unusual for Ron Paul.
Yeah the son does not want to be tied all of the views of the father, ok, John K thanks very much.