
   Neil: Hello, and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Neiland… er… where is it?…With me is…

  Feifei: Here with you is… Feifei. 你找什么呢,Neil?
  Neil: …I'm looking for my script...
  Feifei: 又在找稿子?
  Neil: Yes… and… my pen… I had that a moment ago too… where'sit gone?
  Feifei: What's going on with you, Neil? 你说说你,怎么这么乱啊。You're all over the place today!
  Neil: Yes, I am! That's a good expression: all over theplace.
  Feifei: All over the place 这个表达可以用来形容一个人无比困惑,丢三落四、乱七八糟的,看上去一塌糊涂;也可以用来描述东西物品摆放的杂乱无章,到处都是。