美联社新闻一分钟 2006-11-22(在线收听

1. Lebanon's industry minister was shot and killed in a Beirut suburb this morning. Thirty-four-year-old Pierre Gemayel was in a car when another vehicle slammed to a stop in front of him causing his car to ram it. Then several gunmen stepped out and shot him at point blank range with automatic weapons.

2. For the first time in 24 years diplomatic relations exist between Syria and Iraq. The move came today during a visit to Baghdad by Syria's foreign minister, the first such visit since the US invasion in 2003. The 2 sides severed relations in 1982.

3. Police say a Toyota Celica driven by an Alabama high school student came close to or struck a school bus yesterday, causing the bus to swerve on an overpass and crash through plunging into the street below. Three students died in the crash.

4. Comedian and actor Michael Richards is apologizing for a racially toned verbal barrage at a Los Angeles comedy club Friday night. During the rag he called 2 black hecklers the "n" word but says his comments were fueled by anger not by bigotry.


1. ram : VERB
If a vehicle rams something such as another vehicle, it crashed into it with a lot of force, usually deliberately.

2. point-blank : ADJ
So close to a target that a weapon may be aimed directly at it and missing the target is unlikely or impossible.

3. sever : VERB
If you sever a relationship or connection that you have with someone, you end it suddenly and completely.

4. swerve : VERB
If a vehicle or other moving thing swerves, it suddenly changes direction, often in order to avoid hitting something.

5. barrage : N-COUNT
A barrage of something such as criticism or complaints is a large number of them directed at someone, often in an aggressive way.

6. rag : VERB (在这里作名词)
To rag someone means to make fun of them in an unkind way.

7. heckler : N-COUNT
A heckler is a person who shouts an uninvited comment, usually disparaging, at a performance or event, or interrupting set-piece speeches

8. bigotry : N-UNCOUNT
Bigotry is the possession or expression of strong, unreasonable prejudices or opinions.
