美联社新闻一分钟 2006-12-19(在线收听

1.It appears a body found Sunday in a snow cave on Oregon's Mount Hood is missing hiker Kelly James. Two people close to the case confirmed it's the body of James who placed a distress call to relatives more than a week ago. Rescuers are focusing their search today on 2 other missing hikers.

2. Robert Gates has been sworn in as secretary of defense in a private event at the White House. The former CIA chief now attends a public swearing-in ceremony at the Pentagon where military brass and senior civilian officials are eager to see what changes he may bring to the table at a critical point in the Iraq war.

3. Police hunting a suspected prostitute killer in England have made an arrest. The suspect told a British newspaper that he knew all 5 of the slain women and had been interviewed 4 times by police.

4. A Hollywood stunt man suffered serious injuries over the weekend during this public performance in a Shanghai stadium. Known for his work in such Hollywood blockbusters as Men in Black and Taxi Driver, Svarousky Oldrich was hurt when he jumped through fire rings from the top of a moving car. Doctors say he is in critical condition.


1. hiker : N-COUNT
A hiker is a person who is going for a long walk in the countryside for pleasure.

2. swearing-in : N-SING
The swearing-in at the beginning of a trial or official appointment is the act of making formal promises to fulfill the duties it involves.

3. brass : N=COUNT
In the army or in other organizations, the brass are the people in the highest positions.(INFORMAL)

4. stunt man : N-COUNT
A stunt man is a man whose job is to do dangerous things, either for publicity, or in a film instead of an actor so that the actor does not risk being injured.

5. blockbuster : N-COUNT
A blockbuster is a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting.
