澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-03-10(在线收听

 Retirement incomes look set to be the government's next policy battleground. Former prime minister Poe Kitting says allowing pensioners dip into their super to buy their first home will seriously undermine the system. Senior groups and some backbenchers are also worried that linking pensioning increases to inflation rather than the average wage will leave pensioners worseoff. 

What we'll mainly infer all the restraints who are fully relying on the pension in their lives will be absolutely affected, and they will struggle to live with dignity in their latter years simply because cost pressures will make it impossible for them to do so. 
Michael O'Neal is there on possible changes to the pension. 
The treasurer's defamation case against Fairfax Media will continue in the federal court in Sydney today. Joe Hockey is sueing the media company over a series of articles published last year about his involvement with a Labor Party fund raising group. 
Lebanese authorities have reportedly detained an Australian man suspected to have links to a terrorist group. Lebanon's national news agency says the man was detained at his home in Tripoli. The region is held by the Sunnie extremists with links to Islamic State melissa and other radical groups. 
And one dog is dead and two others have fallen ill in a suspected case of poisoning in the prestigious International Dog Show Crafts in Britain. The award-winning heir set his name. J. came second in this event. The dog collapsed dead after returning home to Belgium. 