澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-03-13(在线收听

 Senator Glenn Lazarus has resigned from the Palmer United Party in a statement on his facebook page. The Queensland's senator said he had different views of team work and would continue to work in the Upper House as an independent. His resignation leaves the Palmer United Party with just one senator after Jakie Biladi also quitted to become an independent late last year. 

Police in the US town of Furguson has raided a house and arrested three people after two policemen were shot during a protest. One officer was shot in the face, the other in the shoulder. Both have now been released from hospital. The town was the center of the violent rally last year after police shot dead an unarmed black teenager. 
This is really unbelievable as what it is. I mean, you know, you can't see it coming. You don't understand that it's going to happen there. Basically defensives from the fact that it is happening to ...the time. 
Back home. Tropical cyclone Olwyn is due to cross Western Australia's Pilbara Coast this morning. Exmouth is without power as it cut great trees uprooted. Barrels towards the town bring winds up to one hunderd and eighty kilometers an hour as there was heavy rain.
And the British fantasy Roger T. has died at the age of 66 after a long battle with ... disease. He wrote more than seventy books during his career and his best known was Calls for its Disquiet Series. T. was diagnosed with outsummer in two thousand and seven but continued to write completing his final book last year. 