澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-03-16(在线收听

 Much needed aid has begun to arrive in cyclone ravaged Vanuatu. Five Australian military planes are delivering medical experts, searching rescue teams and emergency supplies to the capital Port Vila. At least ten people are reportedly dead, and thousands have been left homeless. 

We are particularly concerned about the outislands of around Vanuatu. Of so getting rescue teams there will not be easy. We have sent in three military planes yesterday, and two more planes will head in today. 
Julie Bishop is there. 
Health Warnings have been issued for the western Australian town of Kanawin. Some residents are still without power and water three days after cyclone Olwyn hit the region. The state government is expected to clear a natural disaster zone today. 
Four Corners have uncovered more evidence of a bitter internal fight within the Liberal Party over the prime minister's chief of staff Peter C. The program has attained confidential text message from the party's treasurer F. Higonson to a senior Liberal figure late last year. Mr. Higonson urged Mr. C. to be removed from Tony Abbott's office. 
The federal government's latest attempt to deregulate university fees appears to doomed. Crossbench senators have reacted angrily to a threat by Education Minister Christ Pam to axe 1700 science jobs if the bill is passed this week. Labor has accused the minister of being morally bankrupt and will move the motion today to have the science funding relist immediately. 