澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-05-19(在线收听

 The Foreign Ministers of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are all meeting tomorrow to discuss the region’s growing refugee crisis. The three nations have been under intense international pressure after turning back boats carrying thousands of asylum seekers. The United Nations has described the situation as ‘a humanitarian catastrophe’. And in Europe, EU ministers have approved plans for a naval force to combat people smugglers operating out of Libya. The EU spokesman there. 

Conditions at the Australia funded detention centre on Nauru will come under the spotlight today. A Senate inquiry will hear shocking accounts of rape and sexual assaults. There are also claims of squalid conditions including mouldy tents full of cockroaches, rats and mice. 
The biological father of baby Gammy who was at the centre of a surrogacy dispute last year is trying to get access to donations raised to pay for the child’s medical costs. Convicted sex offender David Farnell and his wife abandoned their son who has Down Syndrome in Thailand and took his twin sister home to Australia.
The Australian Medical Association has slammed the expanded role pharmacists are set to play in treating patients. The Federal government has reached an in-principle community pharmacy agreement worth nearly nineteen billion dollars. More than one billion dollars will fund a trial that will see pharmacists do work currently undertaken by doctors and nurses.