朗文3L看听学英语第四册 Lesson 27(在线收听

  27 Gunpowder, treason and plot
  Most countries have a special national day on which they have displays of fireworks. In England, the special day is November 5th. Sandy and Sue not only bought a lot of fireworks, but built a big bonfire in the garden as well. They made a straw man and put him on top of it. Gretel was curious about all this, so Sue explained. Everyone in England celebrates a big bang which did not happen. King James was going to open Parliament on November 5th, 1605. A man called Guy Fawkes not only wanted to kill the King, but to bolw up Parliament as well. But Guy Fawkes neither killed the King nor blew up Parliament. the King's men found out about his plan and arrested him on November 4th. Now children in England look forwaed to Guy Fawkes Night every year. They make a straw man called a "Guy". Some of them show their Guy to passers-by in the street and collect pennies. A few of them know the words of this old rhyme:
  Penny for the Guy!
  Penny for the Guy!
  Please to remember
  The fifth of November,
  Gunpowder, treason and plot:
  I see no reason
  Why gunpowder treason
  Should ever be forgot.
  Penny for the Guy!
  Penny for the Guy!
