VOA慢速英语2015 美国之音目睹乌克兰东部军队调动(在线收听

VOA Witnesses Movement of Troops in Eastern Ukraine 美国之音目睹乌克兰东部军队调动

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Thursday that 9,000 Russian troops are in the rebel-controlled area of eastern Ukraine. He said there is a huge threat of new attacks on Ukrainian forces.

VOA reporters in the area saw a number of Ukrainian soldiers arriving at the train station in the eastern city of Kramatorsk. The reporters also saw Ukrainian troop carriers on the move in the town.

Ukrainian officials say the fighting this week began near Donetsk. They say about 1,000 pro-Russian rebel fighters launched an early morning attack just west of the city.

Russia denies having any troops in Ukraine, and says any Russian citizens there are volunteers.

Islamic State redirects water in Iraq

Islamic State militants have closed a dam on the Euphrates River in western Iraq. The move has reduced the water flow to government-held areas of Anbar province, an official said Thursday.

The militants have redirected the flow of water to the battlefield around the city of Ramadi. They captured the town last month. The move also threatens to create extremely dry conditions in Iraq’s southern provinces.

Egyptian court orders retrial for Mubarak

An Egyptian appeals court ruled that former President Hosni Mubarak must face a retrial on murder charges. The case involves the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising that forced Mr. Mubarak from power.

The court action cancelled an earlier ruling that had removed the murder charges. The judge said the second and final trial will begin November 5.

The 87-year-old former leader has been in prison since his arrest in 2011. Mr. Mubarak ruled Egypt for 29 years.

Words in the News

dam n. a structure that is built across a river or stream to stop water from flowing

capsize – v. to turn over : to turn so that the bottom is on top

reputation - n. the common opinion that people have about someone or something : the way in which people think of someone or something

tourist – n. a person who travels to a place for pleasure

maritime– adj. of or relating to sailing on the sea or doing business (such as trading) by sea
