英语口语流行话题 第32期:我爱周杰伦16-2(在线收听

   A: Emma, what about your weekend?

  A: 艾玛,你周末过得怎么样?
  B: Great. I went to a concert with my boyfriend. It's really fantastic.
  B: 好极了。我和男朋友去听了场音乐会,真是太精彩了。
  A: It seems that you like music very much. Well, what kind of music do you like best?
  A: 看来你很喜欢音乐啊。那你最喜欢什么类型的音乐呢?
  B: I think pop music is my favorite.
  B: 我想流行音乐应当算是我的最爱。
  A: Do you listen to classical music?
  A: 你听古典音乐吗?
  B: Sometimes. You know, pop music is simple to understand without complicated lyrics. So, it helps me to relax after a hard working day.
  B: 偶尔。你知道,流行音乐的歌词简单易懂。因此,忙碌了一天后,听些流行音乐有助于让我很快放松下来。
  A: I agree with you. Pop music is lively, and suits the people at our age.
  A: 这点我很同意。流行音乐听起来活泼生动,非常适合我们这个年龄段的人。
  B: You are right. Well , what about you? Do you like the pop music?
  B: 说得没错。那你怎么样?喜欢流行音乐吗?
  A: Yes, I do. But now, I often listen to some rock music. I think the lyrics of some rock music songs are very thoughtful.
  A: 嗯,挺喜欢。不过现在我经常听一些摇滚乐。我觉得一些摇滚歌曲的歌词写得非常有思想。
  B: Right. The rock music focuses more on social phenomenon and problems rather than simple love stories.
  B: 没错。摇滚音乐更多关注于一些社会现象和问题,而不是只单纯关注男女之间的爱情故事。
  A: Yes. Well, it's time for the class. Let's go.
  A: 是的。快要上课了。我们走吧。