英语口语流行话题 第37期:我型我秀19-1(在线收听

   A: Hey, what happened? You looked so blue.

  A: 嗨,出什么事了?脸色怎么这么难看啊!
  B: I think the god is unfair.
  B: 我觉得老天特别不公平。
  A: Why? Are you frustrated by something unpleasant?
  A: 为什么?有什么事情让你受挫折了吗?
  B: You are right. My favorite singer was eliminated in the semi-final last night.
  B: 说的没错。我最喜欢的歌手在昨晚的半决赛中被淘汰出局了。
  A: Do you mean the popular singing show?
  A: 你指的是现在很流行的歌唱选秀节目吗?
  B: Yes. It hurt me a lot when the result was announced by the host. I think the boy ranked top one in the semi-final is the worst according to their singing skills.
  B: 是啊。主持人公布最终结果后,我都难过死了。我觉得获得半决赛第一名的那个男孩在他们几个人中间是唱功最差的。
  A: You'd better not pay too much attention on such kind of competition. It's just a commercial activity.
  A: 你最好别太在意这种比赛。它只不过是一种商业活动而已。
  B: Maybe you are right. But I really feel sorry about my idol. He is so cool with the most beautiful voice.
  B: 或许你说的没错。不过我真为我的偶像感到遗憾。他人长得帅,而且声音也好听。
  A: It seems that you have fallen in love with him, ha-ha.
  A: 貌似你爱上他了,哈哈。
  B: Haha...
  B: 哈哈…...