澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-07-07(在线收听

 Leading our news this morning. A police officer has been shot in the back of the head while trying to intercept a motorist in Melbourne's northwest. The injured officer has been taken to hospital and is in the stable condition. The shooting took place in Moone Ponds just before 4 o'clock this morning. A car believed to be involved the shooting was found burnt out in Coburg North and police are still searching for the gunman. 

Euro zone finance ministers have warned the situation in Greece will deteriorate rapidly if a fresh bailout deal is not reached soon. Greece's senior negotiator at the discussions E has been appointed finance minister after the resignation of Y. France and Germany have urged Greece to urgently outline a new bailout proposal. 
It's important that Greek prime minister tells us tomorrow how to continue, what precise proposals he has for a program that will lead to prosperity and growth for Greece. A speaking overnight.
The Productivity Commission says there's no evidence to suggest that retirees are blowing their super on luxury items in order to qualify for the pension. The report into superannuation also found that the federal budget would save up to 7 billion dollars a year if the aged people access their super was raised to 65. 
Prominent indigenous leader N has hit out the prime minister and the Opposition leader, following yesterday's summit on constitutional recognition of indigent Australians. Forty leaders met with Tony Abbott and Bill Short to discuss the wording of a referendum. The government says considerable progress was made at that meeting. But N says it was stage managed and a waste of time. 