走遍全世界35: What will the First Black First Lady Bring to us?(在线收听

Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how they'll change America. Rightly so. But selfishly, I'm more fascinated by Michelle Obama and what she might be able to do, not just for this country, but for me as an African-American woman.


As the potential First Lady, she would have the world's attention. And that means that for the first time people will have a chance to get up close and personal with the type of African-American woman they so rarely see.


Usually, the lives of black women go largely unexamined. The prevailing theory seems to be that we're all hot-tempered single mothers who can't keep a man. Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can't excape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married, alcoholic(酗酒)mothers.


These images have helped define the way all black women are viewed, including Michelle Obama. Before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause, charity or foundation as First Lady, her most urgent and perhaps most complicated duty may be simply to be herself.


It won't be easy. Because few mainstream publications have done in-depth features on regular African-American women, little is known about who we are, what we think and what we face on a regular basis. For better or worse, Michelle will represent us all.


Just as she will have her critics, she will also have millions of fans who usually have little interest in the First Lady. Many African-American blogs have written about what they'd like to see Michelle bring to the White House - mainly showing the world that a black can support her man and raise a strong black family.


Michelle will have to work to please everyone - an impossible task. But for many African-American women like me, just a little of her poise, confidence and intelligence will go a long way in changing an image that's been around for far too long.



1. tense adj. 紧张的,拉紧的

eg: That was a very tense time.

tensed up 紧张;忧虑不安
at prime tense 立即;起先,起初
past tense 过去式

2. election n. 选举
eg: During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet.

carry an election 举行选举;竞选获胜,当选
by election 通过选举
general election 大选,普选

3. prevailing adj. 盛行很广的

eg: A glance at prevailing wind patterns confirmed their fear.

prevailing rate 市价;现行汇率S
prevailing party 胜诉的一方
prevailing wind 主风;恒风;盛行风

4. stereotype n. 刻板印象

eg: There's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen.

stereotype behavior 刻板行为
stereotype women 妇女定型观念

5. charity n. 仁慈,宽厚

eg: True charity doesn't consist in almsgiving.

out of charity 出于仁慈
in charity 出于恻隐之心
(as) cold as charity 寒冷的,冰凉的;(像慈善机关对穷人那样) 冷冰冰的,冷漠无情的

6. mainstream n. 主流

eg: Nobody could go completely against the mainstream of the history.

to have mainstream 具有主流风格成分;构成主流风格的组成部分
mainstream economics 主流经济学;新古典经济学

7. critic n. 批评家

eg: Mather was a film critic for many years.

art critic 艺术评论家
critic for  ......的评论员
literary critic 文学评论家

Michelle will have to work to please everyone - an impossible task. But for many African-American women like me, just a little of her poise, confidence and intelligence will go a long way in changing an image that's been around for far too long.
