[英伦广角] 2015-08-01 NHS将共享病人的医疗数据(在线收听

 It's no secret that revised government spending means the NHS is having to save money, but a new scheme being trialed in Southend will mean some patients' medical details won't be a secret either, the NHS plans to look at the records of thousands of patients to identify which a high cost, the scheme meant to identify which patients are frequently going to see their GP, going to ANE, or who are on a lot of prescription drugs with a view to review their care and trimming the budget, at the moment here in Southend around 17,500 patients will be involved in the scheme, but it's thought it could be rolled out to other parts of the country.To some extent we have always done this in our practices, so we always identify patients who use up a lot of resources absolutely legitimately as we are to not to deny them that need, but what we do is that we find more efficient ways of delivering their care, and often as a result of that patient care improves.

Patient participation is not compulsory, but the scheme is run on a opt out basis, rather than opt in.
I don't want my medical history flying around in the public domain, i'll talk about it to those people i want to talk, i'd certainly won't want my medical treatment to be rushed simply on a point of sorry you are too expensive.
Those behind the scheme say sharing data is done to improve services and the quality of care, anyone in Southend who doesn't want their data to be shared  will have to inform their GP very quickly, the collection of their medical details will start today.