
 Researchers work out Santa Claus' salary


People wonder what Santa does and how he does it for free. Researchers have an answer to these questions. An insurance company calculated a figure of $139,924 for Santa's annual salary. This is 1.5 per cent more than last year. Many people around the world are getting low pay raises. Researchers created a list of Santa's many jobs. They looked at the total time he spends on each task to get the final figure for his salary.

Santa is multi-skilled. He has to be good at everything. He works with reindeer, gifts, chimneys, maps and elves. Most of his salary is for managing his toy factory. He spends 2,912 hours a year organizing this. His toys must be of the right quality. He gets $40.09 an hour for this. His highest pay rate is for being a sleigh pilot. This is similar to being an airline pilot. Researchers believe a sleigh pilot gets $62.31 an hour.

