英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 The Ganges 恒河—26(在线收听

 Is everybody here to die? Is that why people come here?

We have come here for that, but we can only die here if it is written in our destiny.
When did you come here? How long have you been here?
It has been 18 years now.
You both have been here for 18 years.
She sometimes goes back home, i don't.
And you never leave because you don't want to risk not dying here? is that right?
No, i could leave, but i would only go to other holy places like K, even if my soul leaves my body at another holy place, it would still be liberated.
I am completely terrified of death, i wake in the night sometimes in a cold sweat, but it sounds to me like you embrace it.
No, no, you should never be scared, from the moment you are born, death is part of life, they go together, I am not afraid.
I can't understand it, because my everything in my culture is fearful of dying, and everything in your culture accepts it, and to a certain extent embraces it, it seems absolutely fundamental difference.