英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 The Ganges 恒河—27(在线收听

 With so many people coming to the city of Varanasi to die, close to the Ganges, funerals are big business here, families go to great lengths to ensure their loved ones are cremated on the river bank, thus securing their eternal salvation. At the main cremation area next to the river, Aber and I arranged to meet the D, a man who is said to have made a fortune controlling funerals here.Can i sit here?

Yeah, yeah, sure.
What an extraordinary place, can you tell us what is the job of the D?
Our job is to provide the flame for the funeral pile, our men assist in the burning of the bodies.
How many bodies are burned here?
We don't keep count, it can range from 20 to 100 bodies a day.
How do you decide how much to charge people for having their relative burned here?
There is no fixed price.