[英伦广角] 2015-08-08 非法移民欲拆毁栅栏强行进入英国(在线收听

 Word had quickly got around. The French and British are sending reinforcement. Some go in small groups. This time they are around two hundred. At time of this week, there have been many more.

  After two days the British government will give a soldier here to close the way. This is the last chance if they open the way.We got out this way without pain. This is one of the weak spots. Getting on the domestic railway tracks, not far from the Euro tunnel entrance. The French and British government insisted their join effort to stop this are working. But the authorities have been overwhelmed. Again they resort to pepper spray.
  In places it's no difference to the kind of fence you find around a tennis court. These are the big holes we have ever find. But this will change. It will all be improved. There will be further police officers on  patrol and private security guards coming in to pause the numbers, defending this perimeter. But the defencing close to the channel tunnel is already far stronger. Security was already robust. They just hasn't been enough. So the barrier will get bigger. More razor wire will stand in their way. ? will make any difference. Once a government minister, he is now running for the mayor of the region, and rarely holds back.
  They don't want to stay in ?. They want to stay in England. Why? to find a job there because it's possible to work. In England you have to change your policy.
  Much of the bills to increase the security will fall on the British tax-payers. Extra CCTV, infrared detectors and more  will soon be in place. It will make this harder but they will still work at trying to crack it. For now the promise from London and Paris of greater security will simply increase the  pressure on these people. Their window of opportunity may be closing.