澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-08-14(在线收听

 Now leading the news this half hour. The government is hosing down opposition claims that the judge in charge of the Union Rule Commission is politically biased and should step down. Labor is demanding the resignation of D. H. following revelations he agreed to speak to a Liberal Party fund raising event. Yesterday the former High Court judge confirmed he had cancelled the address. Earlier on the show assistant treasurer Josh Shrumburg told us the government is standing by justice head. D. H. is someone has been on the High Court bench for a decade. He's been dean of the Sydney University Law School, and someone of the highest integrity. And  the Labor Party was always ...the empire because of the troubling revelations at the world commission.   The death toll from two massive explosions in China now stands at fifty with hundreds more injured and three thousand people left homeless. The Chinese military has sent experts to Tianjin to help clean up, admitting concerns harmful chemicals have leaked from the port's warehouses. Hospitals have been overwhelmed by the casualties and many fires are still burning. Nick. has been fined ten thousand dollars for a sexual remark he made to opponent S. at the Montreal Masters. On court microphones picked up Kyrio saying that Winkle's girlfriend had been involved with fellow Australian to Nasi Kokanakas. Kyrio exclaims he was provoked, but says he has since apologized for the remark after withdrawing from the match due to injury. S. Winkle said the Kyrio's commments were so low. He wouldn't say them to his worst enemy. 
