澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-08-15(在线收听

 Let's take a look at satellite image. A large high pressure system sitting over Australia has been stable conditions for most of the country. Onshore winds are causing a light showers over the southern west Australia, southern south Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and the Queensland coast. Looking around the country. Generally sunny and melt warm in Queensland, which has the chance of light showers on the north coast, and in the southeast of the state. Partly cloudy in the west of New Southwales, sunny in east, a frosty start on the southern regions. Lingering cloud in the north of Victoria with P mostly sunny and dry in the south. A cold and frosty morning in Tasmania, with mostly clear skys, northwest is increasing and chance of light showers. Mostly sunny and dry throughout south Australia, with light winds. More cloud about the coasts, but staying dry. Mostly sunny and warm around WA, generally easing winds. Moslty sunny, dry and warm in the northern territory, moderate easily winds and chance of showers in the northeast.

Looking ahead to tomorrow's forecast for the capital cities. Shower too in Brisban and Houbart, partly cloudy in Sdyney, Camberra and Melborne. Possible morning fog in Adlaide, Perth will have some possible rain, and mostly sunny in Darwin.       