新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/07/06(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick you this Monday, July 6, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Chinese markets closing mixed after central authorities roll out a series of stimulus measures over the weekend....
Chinese President Xi Jinping to attend the 7th BRICS summit and meet with Russian President Vladamir Putin...
And Greece's Finance Minister resigning amid that country's attempts to secure better bailout terms from creditors...
Business.... China announcing new investments in network infrastructure...
In Sports.... team USA victorious in the Women's Football World Cup..
In Entertainment.... reports saying that Tom Cruise may be contemplating leaving Scientology....
TopChinese Shares Close Mixed MondayAnchor:
Starting things out with a look at Chinese stocks on this Monday evening:
Chinese markets moved in differing directions on Monday after regulators intensified efforts over the weekend to shore up the markets.
At the close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index rose 2.4 percent after erasing a gain of as much as 7.8 percent at the opening.
Meanwhile, the Shenzhen Component Index retreated 1.4 percent.
Nearly 9-hundred stocks tumbled, led by the Internet, software and satellite development sectors.
Blue-chips led the gains on the Shanghai bourse, as Agricultural Bank, China Life Insurance and China National Petroleum Corp surged by the daily limit of ten percent.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark Hang Seng Index lost 3.2 percent on the day.
For more on the stock performance, we are now joined on the line by Gao Shang, analyst with Guantong Futures.
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Thank you very much. That was Gao Shang, analyst with Guantong Futures.
Market Participants Advised to Reflect on SlumpsAnchor:
As Chinese authorities adopt a series of measures to lift the country's plummeting stock market, some insiders suggest securities regulators and domestic brokers reflect on recent slumps.
CRI's Tu Yun reports.
Cao Weidong, chief analyst with Lianxun Securities, has drawn a road map for the rebound of the market.
"The most important thing is to reign in short selling on the index futures platform and then, through the buying of blue-chip shares on the main board market, lift the stock index, to help build up confidence among investors. When confidence rebounds, the market stabilizes."Over this past weekend, China's central authorities and the market regulator announced a slew of polices in a bid to head off further dives.
The State Council, China's cabinet, ordered the suspension of new share offerings to release locked-up capital to the market.
According to a statement, the central bank will offer liquidity support in various forms to the China Securities Finance Corp, which specializes in providing margin loan services to brokerages, to help stabilize the market.
And Central Huijin Investments said it had invested in exchange-traded funds that track major stock indexes and will continue this operation.
In the meantime, twenty-eight companies that had gained IPO approval announced they will postpone their fundraising, and the country's top 21 securities brokerages pledged to collectively invest 120 billion yuan, or about 20 billion US dollars, in exchange-traded funds that track large blue chip stocks.
The firms also vowed not to sell their holdings until the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index returns to 4,500 points.
Cao predicts the package of supportive polices will help build up investors' confidence. But he also suggests related departments rethink the current mechanism and take measures to fix loopholes.
"The market originally needed an adjustment. But excess transactions on the index futures and securities financing platforms gave rise to drastic fluctuations. Regulators can supervise trading activities in the market, but they don't have efficient methods to monitor the funds from out of the market."Cao adds that the plunges, on the other hand, provide an opportunity for domestic investors, the market regulator and listed firms to better prepare for a fully opened market.
"Generally speaking, it's not a bad thing for our stock market to face such a situation before it become fully open to foreign investors. Through handling risks this time, we need to further improve our trading system. Domestic investors, the market regulator and listed firms all should learn a lesson."For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Chinese president to attend 7th BRICS summit: FMAnchor:
Chinese Foreign Ministry says Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin during his visit to the country for two international summits later this week.
CRI's Yu Yang reports.
The seventh BRICS summit is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and the 15th meeting of the Council of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Heads of State for Thursday and Friday in Ufa, Russia.
During his stay there, President Xi Jinping will meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.
It's the second meeting between the two heads of state this year and the fifth over the past two years.
Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping says the topics of the meeting include plans to increase regional trade, bilateral cooperation within multilateral frameworks and cooperation on global and regional issues.
It's the third time that Xi has attended the BRICS summit.
Cheng Guoping says it shows China's willingness to strengthen cooperation with the BRICS countries.
"It will be Xi's third attendance at the BRICS summit, which shows that China has attached great importance to strengthening cooperation with the BRICS countries."Cheng Guoping says coordination and cooperation on global and regional issues will be discussed within multilateral frameworks including the BRICS and SCO.
"The momentum of cooperation between BRICS countries continues to rise, and common interests are expanding, the foundation for cooperation is enlarging, and the communication and coordination in international affairs have been strengthened. The BRICS countries have become the major force in driving world economic growth, improving global economic governance, and promoting the democratization of international relations."Leaders of the world's five leading emerging economies, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are expected to discuss long-term goals of the bloc and measures to promote cooperation at the summit.
Cheng Guoping says they will also meet to formulate future development strategies for the thriving cooperation mechanism.
Cheng also says that a meeting between Xi, Putin and Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj has also been scheduled.
For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
Greeks Rejects Reform Terms from International Creditors with NO VotingAnchor:
More than 61 percent of Greeks have voted NO in a referendum called by the leftist government in a rejection of the reforms proposed by international creditors in recent bailout talks.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has hailed the result as a victory for his government as it attempts to stand against Europe's austerity policies.
But EU leaders say the Greek people have turned their backs on Europe - and analysts say it could be the start of the country's exit from the single currency.
CRI's Sandra Gathmann reports from Brussels:
The message from Greece was a resounding 'NO'…. to a referendum question asking whether Greeks were prepared to accept the reforms required by creditors to disburse financial aid.
Despite warnings from EU leaders that a No result would lead to a parting of ways with Europe, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras promised the Greek people that a rejection of the terms would not mean an ejection from the euro - but better bargaining power for a better deal.
Despina Biri is a policy adviser in the ruling Syriza government"Now they have the will of the Greek people behind them and they can demonstrate that this is something the Greek people support - they want the negotiations to continue for a more sustainable deal."But that is not Europe's interpretation. After Sunday's result German economy minister Sigmar Gabriel said Greece's government just burned its last bridge of compromise. Belgian deputy prime minister Didier Teinders added that democracy works both ways…and that it will be difficult to make greater concessions as most of Greek loans come from European citizens.
All eyes will now shift from Athens to Paris - Where German Chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting French President Francois Hollande to discuss a way forward. The eurozone group of finance ministers will then meet on Tuesday.
Kostas Ifantis, a professor of political science at the University of Athens says Europe may have little appetite to continue negotiating given a deep erosion of trust between two sides accusing each other of blackmail.
"From what we read, from what European leaders keep saying is that this government is not credible anymore. Yes of course the government will have a democratic legitimacy to push again for a deal but I don't know how this can be binding for our European partners."It may well be the European Central Bank which is forced to cut Greece loose. With ATMS and Greek banks running out of cash - Greece's banking association has submitted a new plea for the ECB to provide more emergency loans - a move its governing council decided against last week.
But this time may be different. Phillipe Ledent is a senior economist at ING Bank - he says the ECB may have to turn to European leaders before it decides to pull the plug.
"As long as there is political will in order to maintain Greece inside the euro area probably the ECB will do whatever it takes to keep it. "But time is running out for Greece and Europe to decide what they want from one another. Meanwhile everyday life will become very tough for Greeks before it gets any better.
For CRI I'm Sandra Gathmann in Brussels.
Aftermath of Greece ReferendumAnchor:
In the aftermath of the referendum, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has resigned.
In an announcement, Varoufakis said he stepped down as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had judged that his resignation "might help achieve a deal" with creditors.
The outspoken minister was seen as a major obstacle to any last-minute deal to keep Athens in the euro zone.
He had campaigned for Sunday's sweeping 'No' vote and accused Greece' creditors of "terrorism".
Prime Minister Tsipras is expected to name a new minister later on this Monday.
In the meantime, the Prime Minister has held talks with the leaders of six of the seven parties represented in parliament.
He said he aimed to share his strategy for negotiations with creditors on a new bailout deal and call for support.
For more on this CRI's Brian Kopczynski earlier spoke with Nikolina Kosteletou, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Athens.
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Nikolina Kosteletou, Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Athens, speaking with CRI's Brian Kopczynski.
China to Commemorate Anniversary of The Victory of Anti-Japanese WarAnchor:
China will host a series of activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in the next three months.
CRI's XYee has more.
Dozens of films, television works and publications will be presented across China from July to October.
Deputy chief of China's State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Tian Jin says these works will highlight China's contributions to the World Anti-fascism War and promote patriotism.
"Through the film and television works and publications, we celebrate the great historical significance of the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and our great national spirit focusing on patriotism. Those works and publications reflect the hardships of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, highlight the importance of the Chinese battlefield in the World Anti-fascism War, inspire national spirit and extol patriotic values."Vice Cultural Minister Dong Wei says in terms of stage productions, over 180 repertoires and newly-created plays will be performed nationwide.
He adds that the Ministry of Culture will hold an art exhibition at the National Art Museum of China from August 10 to September 20 in collaboration with other departments.
"So far, we have received more than 1,500 artworks from all over the country, and more than 400 excellent works will be presented to the general public."The General Political Department of China's armed forces will also hold exhibitions, release films, documentaries and books, and stage performances.
Li Zhensheng, with the Army's General Political Department says the exhibitions will help people understand that period of history in a 'comprehensive' way.
"We will hold two exhibitions. One is at the Military Museum between July 15 and Sept. 15, at which we will display a series of pictures, cultural relics and charts of important historical value. They will demonstrate the entire course of the Chinese people and the army's war of resistance against Japanese aggression led by the Communist Party of China in a comprehensive way,"The Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was an important part of the world's anti-fascist war.
Incomplete statistics show that more than 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians lost their lives in the war.
For CRI, I'm XYee.
China to Publish Written Confessions of Japanese War CriminalsChina's State Archives Administration will soon publish the selected written confessions of Japanese war criminals during their aggression against China.
Deputy director of the State Archives Administration Li Minghua says the written confessions show Japan's wartime atrocities.
The archives will be published in various forms including books, online videos and television documentaries.
Most of them will be published for the first time in history.
Kerry says Iran Nuclear talks can 'go either way' in the eleventh hourAnchor:
US Secretary of State John Kerry says the Iranian Nuclear talks could still "go either way" with the self-imposed July 7 deadline to reach a deal quickly approaching.
Foreign Ministers from all 6 negotiating partners are in Vienna to iron out the details of an agreement that aims to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
But a possible deal could still be shot down by Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali KhameneiCRI's Poornima Weerasekara reports.
Nuclear experts from Iran and Six world powers are racing against the clock to finalize a deal that could take the sting out of Iran's nuclear program. They want a deal that would prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, while allowing the country to use its home-grown nuclear technology for peaceful civilian purposes.
US Secretary of State John Kerry had three marathon sessions with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif trying to tackle a few remaining thorny issues. These include an exact timetable for lifting UN sanctions on Iran and what advanced nuclear research and development Iran would be allowed to pursue.
But Kerry says that the talks that have lasted for over 18 months could still go either way despite the initial optimism.
"In many ways this negotiation has been going on for literally a number of years. And over the past few days, we have in fact made genuine progress. But I want to be absolutely clear with everybody. We are not yet where we need to be on several of the most difficult issues. And the truth is, that while I completely agree with (Iranian) Foreign Minister (Mohammad Javad) Zarif that we have never been closer, at this point this negotiation could go either way."Foreign ministers from all the negotiating nations including Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia are now all in Vienna for last ditch talks.
Tehran wants sanctions lifted immediately and assurances that all Iran's state accounts and assets that have been frozen to be unblocked.
Iran's negotiating partners are demanding for greater access for the UN Nuclear watchdog to inspect Iran's nuclear facilities and to answer its questions about previous nuclear work that may have had military purposes.
German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says the negotiating partners are still willing to walk away if their demands are not met.
"This is not about an agreement at all costs. But this is about finding an agreement that makes it impossible for Iran to get nuclear weapons and that would be a contribution to making the entire Middle East more secure. I hope we will succeed. But the last steps will be the most difficult.
Negotiators have already missed a self-imposed June 30 deadline but have now given themselves time until July 7 to strike a deal.
This second deadline is likely to stick as the US administration must submit the deal to Congress on July 9 in order to get an expedited, 30-day review.
But a possible deal would hit a second bottleneck at the Republican-led U.S. Congress. Republicans have vowed to block any deal that doesn't give international inspectors unfettered access to all of Iran's nuclear facilities, including military sites.
As for Iran, the Islamic republic's negotiators are also vulnerable to having any deal scrapped by the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the ultimate say.
If the talks collapse, it would further destabilize the volatile Middle East.
For CRI I'm Poornima Weerasekara.
Rescue, Relief Work Continue after Earthquake Hits XinjiangRescue and relief work continues following the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Pishan County in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Saturday.
Deputy Commissioner of Hotan Prefecture Alif Abudulimit says everything has been returning 'back to normal'.
"Currently, water and power supply, traffic and telecommunications have all resumed to normal in the disaster area. The affected people are emotionally stable. Everything is in order, and all the rescue work is underway effectively."The Xinjiang government has earmarked a 20 million yuan disaster relief fund to the earthquake-affected areas.
The earthquake has left three dead and 214 injured so far.
It has also damaged more than 48,000 houses and affected about 225,000 people.
Over 90,000 locals have been evacuated.
Many of those displaced have been relocated to the No.1 Middle School in the county.
China Arrests Ten Foreigners Attempting to Enter Hong Kong for Illegal WorkChinese police have captured ten foreigners over the weekend as they attempted to enter Hong Kong for illegal work from Shenzhen on the Chinese mainland.
Police say four of them come from Pakistan, three from India and three from Bangladesh.
Each of them paid about 8 thousand yuan to ringleaders for helping them to enter China two weeks ago.
WeatherBeijing is cloudy tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius; tomorrow cloudy with a high of 33.
Shanghai, moderate rain tonight with a low of 19, tomorrow showers to moderate rain with a high of 24.
Chongqing, clear tonight with a low of 22, sunny tomorrow with a high of 34.
Lhasa has light rain tonight with a low of 12, tomorrow light rain with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, rainy tomorrow, 36.
Kabul, cloudy, 34.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 14.
Brisbane, sunny with a high of 20.
Perth, light rain, 18.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have light rain with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChinese, Russian presidents to meetChinese President Xi Jinping is set to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Russia for two international summits this week.
The 7th BRICS summit is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and the 15th meeting of the Council of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Heads of State for Thursday and Friday in Ufa.
It's been announced that the two leaders will discuss plans to increase the trade and infrastructure of both sides, as well as coordination on global and regional issues.
In addition, Putin and Mongolia's president will meet with the Chinese leader during his stay in Ufa to discuss trilateral cooperation.
China nominates Chinese candidate for AIIBChina has formally announced a candidate for president of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Jin Liqun, former vice finance minister of China, has been nominated as the president-designate of AIIB.
A selection process for president-designate was agreed upon in the Special Ministerial Meeting of Prospective Founding Members in Beijing last Monday.
The deadline for nominations for president-designate is July 31st.
The president-designate is expected to be elected in late August.
At least 14 dead in factory building collapseAt least 14 people have been confirmed dead and one person remains missing after a shoe factory collapsed in Zhejiang on Saturday.
More than 30 were injured, 4 of them seriously.
There were 56 people at the factory when it collapsed.
Rescuers are still searching if there are more buried.
The cause of the incident is still under investigation.
Leaders of parties meet Greek PM after "no" voteGreek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has held talks with some leaders of the seven parties represented in parliament.
The talks came after the austerity referendum results showed a clear victory for the "No" side.
An estimated over 60 percent of Greek voters rejected terms of a new international bailout on Sunday.
Tsipras said he hopes to negotiate with creditors on a new bailout deal and call for support.
At the same time, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varofakis announced his resignation amid the ongoing debt crisis.
Varoufakis explained that Tsipras had judged that his departure might help achieve a deal.
Biz ReportsStocksAnchor:
Turning now to business news.
First a look at the numbers from across the Asian markets to close out this Monday evening.
Joining me on the desk is CRI's Luo Bin.
Thank you SpencerAsian stocks mostly fell after Greece voted to reject further austerity.
Japanese shares ended the trading day sharply lower.
Sentiment was harmed by the Greek decision against a bailout plan.
This triggered concerns over a possible exit of Greece from the Eurozone.
The benchmark Nikkei tumbled 2 percent.
Decliners were led by insurance, financing businesses and glass and ceramics issues.
South Korean shares posted the biggest decline in more than three years after Greece rejected a reforms-for-cash deal offered by creditors.
The daily decline was the largest since June 4, 2012, as foreigners dumped local stocks amid worries about Greek exit from the Eurozone.
At the close, the benchmark KOSPI lost 2.4 percent.
Singapore's benchmark Straits Times Index dipped 0.4 percent.
The fallout from the Greek referendum has also hit the Australian share market, sending the bourse deep into the red as investors switched into defensive mode.
Australia's ASX 200 retreated 1.1 percent.
China's investment in network construction to reach RMB435 bln in 2015China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has revealed that investment in network construction this year is expected to reach 435 billion yuan or 70 billion U.S. dollars.
Ministry spokesperson Zhang Feng says the move will help promote consumption and attract effective investments in the area.
"In the next two years, the investment in the network construction will likely exceed 700 billion yuan. It will directly and indirectly drive up investment in relevant upstream and downstream industrial chains. In terms of promoting consumption, the investment will promote sales of terminal devices including smart phones, computers, Internet TV, etc., which is expected to stand at more than 1.6 trillion yuan this year."The ministry adds it will supervise domestic carriers to lower average charges for mobile phone Internet and fixed broadband by at least 30 percent from the previous year by the end of this year.
Beijing and Shanghai Benefit Overseas Tourists with Tax RefundAnchor:
Starting from the beginning of this month, Beijing and Shanghai began offering tax refunds on purchases made by overseas visitors, in a bid to bolster tourism and sales.
CRI's Chi Huiguang looks at the effect of the new rules, a week after they were enacted.
86 stores in Beijing and 27 in Shanghai have qualified for the tax refund program, which covers all kinds of goods popular with overseas travelers, such as souvenirs, silk, porcelain, antique and traditional Chinese medicine products as well as some outlets.
Zhao Yanming is the deputy director of Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau.
He explains, the minimum purchase to obtain a tax refund is 500 yuan at a single store in one day.
"Overseas travelers refer to foreigners and residents from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, who continuously stay in the Chinese mainland for no more than 183 days. The time period between leaving date and purchasing date should not exceed 90 days. When they leave the Chinese mainland, they can claim 11% refund, of which they can receive 9%, and the other 2% is the commission charge to those refund agencies."Now, overseas visitors can claim tax refund at Beijing Capital International Airport, as well as Shanghai airports at both Pudong and Hongqiao when they leave China.
Gao Yanjun from Beijing capital international airport customs explains the procedure for claiming the tax refund.
"Travelers should go to check in their flights first. Then they should take the goods with their luggage to the Customs for application and verification, together with the refund application form and sales invoice from tax free store. After verification, the Customs will sign and stamp on the application form and help to put the luggage into the Sorting System, saving the travellers time to go back to the check in counter again."Finally, overseas visitors should deliver the application form with custom's signature and stamp to the tax refund agencies to claim their money.
Yuan Baiwei from Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau elaborates:
"The currency of tax refund is RMB. The payment method will be either cash or bank transfer. Overseas travelers can choose one of the two payment methods, if the tax refund amount is less than 10 thousand yuan. If the refund amount is over 10 thousand yuan, it must be done by bank transfer."Next, the two cities will explore the expansion of the tax refund program to more stores and offer processing of refunds outside of the airports.
Additionally, Beijing, which added a 72-hour visa-free policy to boost tourism, plans to introduce shopping-tailored tourism routes for overseas visitors.
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That was Chi Huiguang reporting.
Internet Medicine Sales Top $1 trillionOfficial data shows online sales of medicines in China reached 7 trillion yuan or over one trillion U.S. dollars last year.
This compares with 4.3 trillion yuan in 2013 and just one hundred million yuan in 2010.
The data was collected from more than 3-hundred government-recognized outlets and covers over-the-counter medicines and health products such as dietary supplements.
Prescribed drugs and medical appliances are not included.
The best-selling medicine is a TCM product: donkey-hide gelatin used to treat bleeding and insomnia.
Last year, China Food and Drug Administration produced a draft regulation on the management of online drug sales for internal consideration.
If passed, the regulation will permit online sales of prescription drugs.
Other drafts under consideration cover subjects such as the issuing of prescriptions online and medical insurance.
HSB, CCB Announce Mutual Recognition of Fund BusinessThe Hong Kong-based Hang Seng Bank and the mainland-based China Construction Bank have announced mutual recognition of their fund business.
The announcement follows an earlier regulatory permit.
China Construction Bank will provide agency service and distribute two funds under Hang Seng Investment Management, a subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank.
The two banks have cooperated in QFII and RQFII business for more than ten years.
Both banks are planning to expand their cooperative business in a Mainland-Hong Kong Mutual Recognition of Fund Program.
Vanke to Buy back $1.6b of Shares to Stem Market SlideChina's largest residential developer Vanke is planning to buy back as much as ten billion yuan or some 1.6 billion U.S. dollars of its A shares.
The decision comes as regulators imposed more measures to stem the market plunge.
Similar decisions have been made among board members, executives and controlling shareholders of more than 20 listed Chinese firms.
Vanke plans to repurchase its Shenzhen-listed shares at no more than 13.7 yuan or about two dollars twenty cents each, which is the previous closing price last Friday.
The developer will also repurchase no less than 6.6 percent of its total issued stocks, assuming a full amount of repurchase.
China's automaker Chery hopes to expand production in Brazilian marketChina's automaker Chery is planning to produce 10-thousand vehicles in its Brazilian factory this year.
The factory in Jacarei, Sao Paulo State was inaugurated in August last year.
Its current production is focused on the two versions of the Celer model, the first vehicle made by a Chinese manufacturer in Brazil.
The Jacarei unit will start producing new versions of the QQ and Tiggo models as well.
Besides Brazil, Chery is also going to sell its vehicles to other South American nations like Uruguay and Argentina.
Chery is not the only Chinese manufacturer interested in producing cars in Brazil.
Chinese auto maker JAC sells several models imported abroad in the country, and is building a factory in Camacari, Bahia State.
The factory is expected to be operational next year.
SportsUSA beat Japan 5-2 to win Women's World CupFirst up in soccer,Team USA won the Women's World Cup with a memorable hattrick from Carli Lloyd to beat Japan 5-2.
Lloyd scored after just three minutes and capped it off with a stunning long range goal in the 16th.
And with it came the Americans' elusive third Women's World Cup title.
Lloyd commented on her third goal which she scored from almost half way.
"Very rarely do you just wind up and hit. When you're feeling good mentally, physically, those plays are just instinct and it just happens. I feel like I just blacked out in the first 30 minutes or so of that game. Crazy, just unbelievable."She scored a hat trick as the U.S. burst to a four-goal lead in the first 16 minutes, and the Americans overwhelmed defending champions Japan.
A sellout crowd that included U.S. Vice President Joe Biden roared in approval for Lloyd's hattrick, the first ever in a Women's World Cup final.
The Japan team's defeat brought tears to the eyes of some of the fans in Tokyo, but Japanese head coach Norio Sasaki says this is not the end.
"This is not the end of soccer in Japan. We will work hard to prepare to go to Rio in the Olympics. Also the East Asia Cup is going to start in a month so we need to start the preparation tomorrow and we need to keep challenging."Japan, winners four years ago, were utterly stunned as their opponent's deadly finishing ensured the U.S. added to their 1991 and 1999 titles and became the first nation to win the Cup three times.
---A quick recap of the Chinese Super League,Guangzhou Evergrande ran rampant in a home game over Chongqing Lifan 7-0.
Second-placed Shanghai SIPG beat Shanghai Shenxin 2-0,Hangzhou Greentown defeated Tianjin Teda,And an earlier win by leader Beijing Guo'an means the top three on the leader board remain unchanged.
Beijing, Shanghai SIPG, and Guangzhou Evergrande sit from fist to third in league standing swith only single points separating each team.
---Action from Major League Soccer,The Portland Timbers extended their home-winning streak to five games with a hard-fought 1-0 victory over the San Jose Earthquakes at Providence Park Sunday night.
With the win, the Timbers moved back into a tie for third place in the Western Conference standings and moved a full six points ahead of San Jose in the playoff race.
The Timbers are just one point out of first place in the West.
Williams sisters go head to head at WimbledonThe Williams sisters go head to head for the fifth time at Wimbledon, as Monday's Centre Court action kicks-off in style ahead of Andy Murray's clash with Ivo Karlovic.
Serena Williams's victory over Heather Watson in the third round set up the tie against her older sister, with Venus having won two of their five meetings.
Following on from their match, Murray takes to Centre Court against Croatian Ivo Karlovic, after the British No.1 edged past Andreas Seppi in four sets.
Men's reigning champion Novak Djokovic takes on Kevin Anderson in the late clash on Court 1, while Wimbledon favourite Roger Federer faces Spaniard Roberto Bautista-Agut back on the main court.
In Day 7 women's singles,Russian Maria Sharapova is to face Kazakh Zarina Diyas,5th-seeded Danish Caroline Wozniacki plays against Spanish Garbine Muguruza,And Chinese player Yue Yuan will face Ukraine's Katarina Zavatska.
In men's singles,4th-seeded Swiss Stan Wawrinka takes on David Goffin of Belgium,French Richard Gasquet will face Australian Nick Kyrgios,And No. 9 Croatian Marin Cilic is to play America's Denis Kudla.
Greipel wins stage 2, Cancellara takes yellow jerseyIn cycling Tour de France,German rider Andre Greipel won a rain-drenched second stage of the Tour de France in a sprint finish to the line on Sunday.
Swiss veteran Fabian Cancellara took the race leader's yellow jersey from overnight leader Rohan Dennis.
In stage 2, four men made an early break for freedom.
Bryan Nauleau of Europcar, Jan Barta of Bora, Stef Clement of IAM and Armindo Fonseca of Bretagne-Seche never put more than three minutes between themselves and the chasers - Barta eventually attacked to go solo towards the line of the intermediate sprint in Rotterdam.
Soon after leaving Utrecht, the weather changed for the worse, and the crashes followed...
Adam Hansen of Lotto-Soudal appeared injured after an incident in the bunch.
With 30 kilometres to go, the 'gazelles' were long gone - and the big names were poised.
One or two of them were having issues with punctures - Vincenzo Nibali with 25 kilometres to go - Peter Sagan shortly afterwards.
As the riders approached the finish, Briton Mark Cavendish attacked first but Andre Greipel timed his riposte perfectly to overtake him near the line for his seventh Tour stage win.
The winning time for the 166 kilometres - three hours 29 minutes and three seconds.
Cavendish was caught by Sagan and Swiss veteran Cancellara.
Tony Martin is now second in the overall standings, three seconds back.
Title leader Lewis Hamilton wins third British Grand PrixIn Formula One,Lewis Hamilton has won an incident-packed British Grand Prix to claim back-to-back victories on home soil.
The world champion finished 11 seconds ahead of Nico Rosberg at a rain-hit Silverstone to extend his lead over his Mercedes team-mate to 17 points in the championship.
But the race was far from straightforward for the 30-year-old home favourite who had to overcome a poor start, and two rain showers, to seal his fifth victory from nine races this season.
Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel claimed the final spot on the podium ahead of Felipe Massa, who led the opening phase of the race, and his Williams team-mate Valtteri Bottas.
EntertainmentTom Cruise leaving Church Of Scientology For Daughter SuriIt is being reported Tom Cruise, a long-time and sometimes outspoken member of the new religious organization Scientology, may be ready to finally split from the church, which many detractors accuse of being a cult.
It's been revealed that his lack of relationship with his daughter Suri could be pushing him to make this decision.
A recent phone call with his daughter made Cruise realize that he needed to change things.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes share joint custody with Suri, but the church is putting pressure on Cruise over the arrangement.
Cruise's involvement with the church is said to have played a big part in the breakdown of all three of his marriages.
The alleged controlling nature of the church has gotten so extreme that they may even label his daughter to a "suppressive person" -- the term the church uses for its enemies. If they were do to this, it would make it nearly impossible for Cruise to have any contact with his daughter.
Wartime movies to be reproduced into animationsChina plans to reproduce three classic wartime movies into animations amid a series of activities to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two in Asia and its fight against Japanese aggression.
State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China is to support several local TV stations to adapt classic wartime movies including "Tunnel War", also known as "Di Dao Zhan" into animation.
"Tunnel War" which was produced in 1965 is about a small town in Northern China defends itself from the Japanese soldiers by use of a network of tunnels during the War of Resistance Against Japan from 1937 to 1945.
Another two wartime movies "The Letter With Feathers" and "The Defense of Yuan Zi Ya" will also be reproduced.
The three adapted animations are slated for release starting in August.
Chen Kaige appointed as dean of movie collegeShanghai University marked the creation of its new film academy and the appointment of Chinese director Chen Kaige as its dean in a ceremony on Sunday.
Chen promised at the inaugural ceremony that he definitely will "go into the classroom and teach."He said he hopes that "students who study there can think freely, have their very own ability to be creative, and make greater contributions to the Chinese film industry."Chen Kaige is a head figure for the fifth generation of Chinese filmmakers, along with Zhang Yimou.
He is the only Chinese director to win the Palme d'Or at the 1993 Cannes Film Festival for "Farewell My Concubine."Princess Charlotte christened in the Norfolk countrysidePrincess Charlotte has been christened in the Norfolk countryside.
The baptismal was held in a private ceremony at the Church of St Mary Magdalene in Norfolk.
The Duchess of Cambridge carries two-month old Princess Charlotte into the church, where she will be baptised by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The baptismal was attended by their families including the Queen, Prince Charles, Duchess of Cornwall and Kate's sister Pippa Middleton.
On the morning of the christening, William and Kate revealed the five godparents for Princess Charlotte - Kate's close friend Sophie Carter, Kate's cousin Adam Middleton, Will's friends James Meade and Thomas van Straubenzee, and Princess Diana's niece, Laura Fellowes.
Steven Tyler premieres video for country singleSinger Steven Tyler has premiered the official music video for his first country single, Love is Your Name on ABC's Good Morning America.
The Aerosmith frontman unleashed his inner country star with the video directed by Trey Fanjoy.
In the video, Tyler is seen in a white shirt and tight pants with several necklaces, while sporting his long hair.
Love is Your Name was released last May as the lead single off Tyler's upcoming country solo album.
Lost Frequencies achieves first UK number one single with 'Are You With Me'
Lost Frequencies has achieved his first ever number one single with 'Are You With Me'.
The Belgian DJ, aka Felix De Laet, fought off competition from Tinie Tempah to top the UK singles chart with his remix of Easton Corbin's original.
Elsewhere, Tinie Tempah's 'Not Letting Go' is down to two.
Rita Ora enters at three with her new track 'Poison' while Walk The Moon's 'Shut Up and Dance' stays at four.
George Takei apologizes for comments about Scotus judgeGeorge Takei, the Japanese-American actor best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek, has apologized for referring to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as "a clown in blackface".
Takei, who married his partner Brad in California in 2008, had taken issue with Thomas' dissenting opinion in the high court's landmark ruling on same-sex marriage.
He described Thomas as a "clown in blackface sitting on the Supreme Court. He gets me that angry."Takei, who has become a prominent social media user, wrote later to his 8 million Facebook followers that his choice of words was regrettable.
He also wrote that he felt the dissent suggested the government shouldn't be held accountable for slavery or the camps, emphasizing the comment was "not intended to be racist."WeatherBeijing is cloudy tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius; tomorrow cloudy with a high of 33.
Shanghai, moderate rain tonight with a low of 19, tomorrow showers to moderate rain with a high of 24.
Chongqing, clear tonight with a low of 22, sunny tomorrow with a high of 34.
Lhasa has light rain tonight with a low of 12, tomorrow light rain with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, rainy tomorrow, 36.
Kabul, cloudy, 34.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 14.
Brisbane, sunny with a high of 20.
Perth, light rain, 18.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have light rain with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese markets closing mixed after central authorities roll out a series of stimulus measures over the weekend....
Chinese President Xi Jinping to attend the 7th BRICS summit and meet with Russian President Vladamir Putin...
And Greece's Finance Minister resigning amid that country's attempts to secure better bailout terms from creditors...
Business.... China announcing new investments in network infrastructure...