美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-08-14(在线收听

 This is AP News Minute.

1. Officials are struggling to contain the flow of migrants into European ports. In Greece, a fight broke out at a football stadium. Hundreds of migrants there were waiting for their immigration documents to be processed.

2. As wastewater continues to turn the Colorado River orange, the head of the EPA is taking full responsibility for the spill. Federal and contracted workers unleashed three million gallons of mine waste accidentally, officials say.

3. The NTSB is blaming a fatigued a Wal-Mart truck driver for a highway crash last year. The New Jersey turnpike incident severely injured Tracy Morgan and killed another comedian. Officials also said Morgan and the other passengers were not wearing seatbelts.

4. A Pablo Picasso painting valued at 26 million dollars is being returned to Spain. It was smuggled out of the country in July.
