英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0814 - 中式相亲必杀技(在线收听

 Topic1 10-year report reveals habits of Chinese online shoppersOnline shoppers in China have expanded their foothold to more than 100 countries and regions in the past decade, according to a report published by g.taobao.com, Taobao's unit that focuses on overseas online shopping.

What does it say?
Topic2 How to Win A Chinese Blind DateGoing through a blind date can be tough when two people have no idea of what each other are like. The situation can be more complicated if the two come from different cultures. Wechat public account Shameless published an article teaching expats on how to win a Chinese blind date, which doesn't seem to pain the Chinese in a very good light. But is there some truth in it?
Topic3 Jaywalk Zodiac ChartTraffic police in Shenzhen in south China's Guangdong Province have created a Zodiac sign chart for jaywalkers caught in the act. Police find out that Libras, Virgos as well as Scorpios came up top 3 among all the jaywalkers, accounting for about 10%, 9.9% and 9%, respectively.
What's going on? Why?
Topic4 Chinese Men Experience MotherhoodMany people believe that both parents should take equal responsibility in raising a child. However, it seems that women are still shouldering far more household and childcare responsibilities than men across the world nowadays.
Recently, three married Chinese men volunteered to participate in a ten-day experimental program, in which they got a better understanding of how their wives would feel during a month-long post-natal confinement period. Should more men be doing this?