八卦娱乐:贾斯汀比伯裸上身秀肌肉 英国马戏团庆生(在线收听

歌曲:Justin Bieber-Favorite Girl

The soon-to-be 19-year-old singer decided to show off his (bulkier) upper body after performing at his Birmingham concert today, and either things got too hot to handle that Biebs needed to cool off, or he's getting ready to party.


After all, it is his birthday tomorrow.


"Great show!!! Now gonna go celebrate 19!! Thanks," he tweeted.

“很棒的晚会!!现在即将庆祝我19了!!谢谢。” 他在推特上说。

Biebs is reportedly planning to celebrate his special day with a huge, circus-themed birthday bash at a London venue. There's no word as to where exactly, but there are a couple spots J.B.'s hit up recently that he might decide to visit again.


A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: 'Justin wants to celebrate in style and he loves clubbing in London. He's been looking for the perfect venue and finally settled on Cirque Du Soir . The venue is all ready for him, with clowns, goblins, aerial acts and some fire-eaters.'

