听歌学英语:告诉她我爱她 手稿乐队(The Script) - If You See Kay(在线收听

歌曲来自于手稿乐队(The Script),他们的音乐混合着The Cranberries的摇滚风格,也散发The Corrs的流行步调、以及民谣曲式。他们将自身音乐风格描述为“全新的凯尔特灵魂乐,融合了Hip-Hop化的歌词与悦耳的流行旋律,精致的具有摇滚力度的R&B式制作,现代派演绎下的传统歌曲结构”。

if you see my friend, doesn't matter where or when, tell me if you see kay我的朋友,如果你见到凯,无论何时何地,请告诉我
if you see my friend, doesn't matter where or when, tell me if you see kay我的朋友,如果你见到凯,无论何时何地,请告诉我
she said i won the battle but i lost the war,她说我习惯上战场,但我却输掉了战争
and now my head is sore,我的头现在很痛
and if i try and sail back in she's gonna push me from the shore,如果我想试着驶回她将推我离岸
now i wont ever get the time or day,现在我不会再有机会
no way no way no,决不决不
not from what i said but from what i didn't say,不是因为我所说的而是因为我没说出口的
what i didn't say没说出口的
so if you see kay will you tell her that i love her,所以,如果你见到凯能告诉她我爱她吗?
and if you see kay let her know i want her back,如果你见到凯,能转告她我想找回她吗?
if she listens say i miss her,如果你见到凯,告诉她我想她
everything about her,她的一切一切
make sure you say i'm sweet f.a without her,你一定告诉她没她的日子我都安好
if you see kay如果你见到凯
if you see my friend, doesn't matter where or when, tell me if you see kay我的朋友,如果你见到凯,无论何时何地,请告诉我
if you see my friend, doesn't matter where or when, tell me if you see kay我的朋友,如果你见到凯,无论何时何地,请告诉我
she got me saying sorry through the door,她曾让我隔着门说抱歉
she don't care anymore,她现在不在乎了
she says it's to late now should have thought of this before,她说现在想这些以前就该想的太晚了
but i aint gonna take this as defeat,但是我还是把这当成战败
no way no way no,决不决不
cause i'm gonna shout it out to everyone i everyone i meet因为我要向每个我见到的人大声宣布
so if you see kay will you tell her that i love her,所以,如果你见到凯能转告她我爱她吗?
and if you see kay let her know i want her back,如果你见到她告诉她我想她回到我身边
if she listens say i miss her,如果她听了,说我爱她
everything about her,她的一切一切
make sure you say i'm sweet f.a without her,你一定告诉她没她的日子我安好
if you see kay如果你见到凯
now i'm sitting here in disbelief,现在我迷茫的坐在这
how it truely broke my heart to have to watch her leave,眼睁睁看着她离去多么让我伤心
but she was torn between what she wants and what she needs,但她在所想所需中左右为难
they say you love someone enough you've gotta set them free,人们说爱得深就要懂得放手
she said that she was born and leave this down to her,她说她注定要抛开这些离去
knew the truth was good she looked me in the eyes a lot,知道真相好一些,她望着我的眼许久
saying it's time to cut the ties,说是时候结束谎言了
time to say goodbye,是时候该说再见了
so she left,就这样她走了
but she never never left my,但她从未在我心中离去
never never left my mind从未在我脑海中离去

歌词:Now my head is sore,这句话你是不是也说过呢——我的头现在很痛。
My legs are sore from all that running yesterday.
The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.
Sore about〔at〕- 因…恼怒,对…很痛心。
I am sore at you for being so late.

歌词:Cause I'm gonna shout it out to everyone everyone I meet.
He shouted at her in his anger.他在盛怒之下向她大喊大叫。
Shout down (v.+adv.)表示“大声呼喊使某人不能继续讲下去”,比如:
The angry audience shouted the speaker down.愤怒的听众大声喊使讲话者闭口不语。
Shout out-大声叫喊、喊着宣布。比如:
When I call your name, shout out so that we know you're here.

歌词:She was torn between what she wants and what she needs.
Torn between是一个固定短语,意思是左右为难、在...间难于抉择。比如:
I was torn between my parents and my friend.
She was torn between the two choices

歌词:They say you love someone enough you've gotta set them free.
Set free固定短语,“释放”的意思,比如:
He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid.
The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free.

歌词:Saying it's time to cut the ties.
It’s time to do sth.是一个常见的句型,意思是“该是...的时候了”。
We've debated this for hours; it's time to move on.
I loosened my tie, but I didn't take it off.
He maintained close ties with the masses.
