英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0828 - 你愿意为什么网络内容付费?(在线收听

 Topic1 Illegal Hukou SellingBeijing police recently uncovers a gang of 16 members who allegedly helped university graduates get illegal Beijing hukou, or household registrations, for payment.

Is there a demand? Why people still buy them when they know it is not in line with the law?
Topic2 Shanghai most congested in China, Beijing thirdPeople who are stuck in traffic are perhaps all the same no matter where they are.
But those who are in Beijing, the Chinese capital of traffic jams, might feel just a little bit better if they find out that Shanghai is ranked the most congested city in China according to a recent study.
How bad is it according to the study?
Topic3 Hangzhou to Ban Boomerang KidsRecently, Hangzhou is soliciting public opinions on a drafted regulation, which bans boomerang kids, or Ken Lao Zu.
The boomerang kid phenomenon has always been more of a moral issue in China. Is it possible to solve a moral problem by legal means?
Topic4 Survey shows internet users willing to pay for concert webcastsA latest survey suggested that Chinese Internet users are willing to pay for quality contents online.
Concert ranks the third highest of all online video categories that they're willing to pay for after latest blockbusters and classic movies.
Is the survey result unexpected?
Topic5 Chinese learning lessons in China are not as good as those in the U.S.
On Aug 19, Lu Yang, who works in Peking University, posted on Sina Weibo that Yale University had cancelled its cooperation with PKU on Chinese learning program two tears ago, because Yale students complained they couldn't catch up when they returned to Yale.
Do we know what happened?