英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1027 - 故宫淘宝“萌萌哒”(在线收听

 Topic1 China Regulates Foster Care SystemChinese families with more than two foster children will be required to give one up from December, as the new foster family regulation will take effect on December 1st.

Are there problems with the current foster care system?
Topic2 China Regulates Foster Care SystemChinese families with more than two foster children will be required to give one up from December, as the new foster family regulation will take effect on December 1st.
Are there problems with the current foster care system?
Topic3 Report published on Chinese Internet social mentalityA recent report on Chinese Internet social mentality has found that those born in the 1990s are relaxed and optimistic;Those born in the 1980s are comparatively conservative and divided;Those born in the 1970s are relatively realistic and enterprising;Those born in the 1960s are mostly superior and restless, while those born in the 1950s and earlier are generally nostalgic, leisurely and not superior.
How have the conclusions been drawn?
Topic4 Heating Fee Not Going DownIt is time to expecting the heating system to be turned on again, for northerners, of course.
Recently, some people doubt why the heating fee remains the same this year while the price of coal has dropped by 50%.
Is it a valid concern?
Topic5 Netizens Snapping up Creative Cultural Souvenirs from BJ Palace MuseumBeijing's Palace Museum has released a new range of creative and cultural souvenirs. They were quickly picked up by social media and generated intense interest online.
A micro blog with more than a million followers posted some of the pictures, and it has been reposted 18,473 times.
Instead of the conventional postcards and T-shirts, new products include accessories featuring Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) royal elements. Prices of these souvenirs range from 10 yuan ($1.63) to thousands of yuan.
Why are these souvenirs making a hit?