美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-08-30(在线收听

 On the way, and that’s what we start today on commercial free CNN student news. I’m Carroll. Welcome to the show. Before American have one major candidate for these party to choose from on Election Day, those party have to decide who know nominate. That happened through premier and *. Boston meeting scheduled to start only next year. Here the looking how they stand right now. For the democrat, 5 people have officially announced their candidacy. National poll indicated that former secretary of the state Hillary Clinton is in the lead nationwide for the democrat nomination. For the republican, 17 people have officially announced their candidacy. National poll indicated that business man Donald Trump is in the lead nationwide for the republican nomination. NASA and NOAA, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, held a meeting yesterday. Their focus was on global sea levels, and their main question was how fast would sea levels rise. This isn’t happening everywhere. One NASA ocean expert said sea levels on the US west coast have fallen over the past 20 years due to what he called natural cycles. But in other areas, scientists said arisen sea level could happen relatively fast.

Sea levels * point ocean meat the land. Many of earth’s most important cities and their hundreds of millions of people live within just a few seas of that point. We are talking the sea levels on the globally average scale, where changes of just a couple advances take hundreds even thousands years to occur. But if those couple advances turning to a couple of seas, and that change happens in our life, we give in talking about draft the coast all over the years. Sea level changes primarily because of two main factors. The primary reason that something called *, which is simply that water extend as a one result. Keep up a basic durometer, as the temperature goes up, the liquid inside the * rises as it expend. The second way that global sea levels were rise and fall base on how much water its tide up and land base ice. Sea base ice like an esprit, it is melt, it does not change sea level. Just like you have a drink and ice in your drink melts, it doesn’t change the height of your drink. But lands they said is critically important. As temperatures increased, that ices base on the land will melt, and they will flow into the ocean, and they will rise the sea level. For instance, if just the Greenland ices alone were to melt, it contains enough water to rise global sea level by over 20 feet. We are already seeming the process of play how. In the last century as global temperatures have risen, we’ve seen sea levels rise faster than any point in the last 2000 years.