
  在打棒球时,美国人经常喜欢发曲线球,使球的方向发生突变,给对方造成错觉,以致于不能回击那个球。其他球类运动,如足球和乒乓球也都有这种曲线球。逐渐地,这种让对方产生错觉,因而无法应付的球技变成了日常用语:throw sb. a curve,意为“通过出难题而使某人大为吃惊”。
  Professor Green certainly threw us a curve today. Half the questions were from parts of the book he told us to read but he never covered them in class. Of course, most of us didn’t bother to read the stuff, so we really got caught.
  与“throw sb. a curve”意思相似的短语是“throw sb. for a loop”,意为“使某人吃惊且烦恼”。下面的例子是一位女孩子抱怨她男朋友的话:
  Bill told me he couldn’t take me out last night because he had to study for a big exam. So it threw me for a loop when I saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class.