澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-08-31(在线收听

 The head of Royal Commision on Trade Union D will judge himself today, after a week delibrations and several delays, he will finally decide if he is to step down from the role. Seven Unions have demanded his disqualification over perceptions of bias.

Tradgedy had struck a young family in Brisban. A 3 year old boy had died in a house fire, his parents have life threatening injuries, and two other young children are also being treated in hospital. The blaze broke out at a block of unit in the southern suburb of Bingley at around ten last night. So mom has some serious injuries, some critical injuries, as long as their 4 year old boy, the dad has some serious burns, and the one year old has feared ok. Melborne police have arrested a man following a serious of arson attacks overninght. The suspect alledgedly set three cars and a weakened house on fire in the northern suburb of middle H, when fire crews turned up, he alledgedly threatened them with the axe, and trying to set their truck on fire, they turned their holes on him. And he was later arrested. The foreign minister Julia B has called on more nations to join the air campaign against Islamic state militants in Iraq and Syria. She says the action is needed to end the fighting that's causing tens of thousand refugees to flee to Europe. 