澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-07(在线收听

 The immigration minister is arriving in Geneva later today for meetings on the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Peter D will meet UN officials to ask how Australia can help. Thousands of refugees are flooding within Europe, the government is considering increasing its percentage of refugees from the war-torn countries within its current asylum seeker intake. Pope Fransis has called on every European parish to take in one migrant family. The P was told a crowd of followers that the Vetican will lead the way, taking two families of asylum seekers in the coming days. New Southwales police have released the triple loyal call for William 's mother, a year after the toddler's disapperance. The three year old vanished while playing at his grandmother's home, K M, police say a four wheel drive was seen speeding in the area shortly after William's disappearance. Police also want to talk the owners of a white station wagon and grey sedan, seen parked near the property that day. This is no logical explanation as to why they would park in the location they work, and I was very close to whichever given those of data in street that rises your curiosity. Gary M there.

Today marks two years since the election of the Abbot government. The coalition acknowledges it has been a difficult year from Finberies, attend to the leadership spill, cabinet leaks and controversy around the trade union's royal commission and also the resignation the S bishop. The prime minister is not ruling out changes to his front bench in the lead up to the next election.    