澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-08(在线收听

 Leading the news. Pressure this morning was building on the federal government to boost Australia's refugee intake by thousands. Thousands of people attended candler visuals across Australia last night in support of displaced Syrians. one Liberal backbencher was calling for Australia's refugee intake to be boosted by up to fifty thousand. While the New South Wales premier Mike Baird has supported an increase of at leat ten thousand extra places. The Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says it's too early to offer an official response. Because this crisis we are re-considering those figures and we'll do what we can, but the prime minister will announce, says, once Peter Dutton in reports, OK, to hear on the detail. European leaders may well be struggling to come up with a coordinated response to the refugee crisis. The UK has prepared an extra twenty thousand places over five years, but smaller countries, including Hungary, have firmly rejected calls from France and Germany for compulsary refugee quarters. Meanwhile, the federal government is expected to today authorize air strikes i n Syria against Islamic State Tigers. Meantime, Britain has conducted its first drone strike in Syria killing two British citizens suspected of joining airs. Police this morning have charged a fifty-two-year-old Queensland man with the murder of his six-year-old daughter and the attempt murder of another child. Police were called to home in K. in Brisbane's north yesterday morning after the mother found the body of her young daughter in the bedroom that she shared with her eight-year-old sister. The man is scheduled to appear in court later this morning. 
