英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 Yangtze 长江—12(在线收听

 -Yeah, we're on the Yangtze. We're doing what millions of Chinese migrants have done in recent decades, moving, going to the city. So it's been one of the biggest, if not the biggest, human migration in history, millions of people going from the countryside to the cities. Population of this city is expected to more than double in the next few years to 20 million.China was traditionaly a rural nation, but it's predicted that by 2030 China's cities will be home to one in eight people on the planet.

-Here we go.
This country is undergone an economic transformation at ten times the speed of the origin in the Industrial Revolution. In the centre of Chongqing is the People's Liberation Square, renamed to celebrate the Communist conquest of the area. -Look at this!
Ironically, now it's home to a row full of international luxury brands. -I'm a bit taking back frankly. Is this the new Chinese dream, Lily? Consumerism, buy stuff, have a new handbag?
-That's  of course a trend of fashion, especially for people getting richer than before. And they want to have such kind of products, like international products. It means something to them, like the social status.