澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-17(在线收听

 HomeworkLeading the news, riot police in Hungary have fired tear gas and water cannon at asylum seekers on the Serbian border. Women and babies are among those treated for exposure to the gas. The Hungarian government says 20 officers have also been hurt in those clashes. Hundreds of people are now trapped at that closed border. Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad says he won’t bow to international pressure to step down because Syrian people must decide their leader. In an interview with Russian TV, President Assad says Syrian refugees heading to Europe are fleeing terrorism and not the Syrian regime. He has also attacked western countries for backing the forces that oppose his government. Back home, and Tony Abbott has signaled he’ll stay in parliament after losing the prime-ministership to Malcolm Turnbull. The ABC understands Mr. Abbott is mostly likely stay on the backbench partly to avoid a by-election in his Sydney seat of /. Meanwhile, some supporters of Mr. Abbott are now vying for jobs in the new cabinet to be announced by Mr. Turnbull on Monday.

And Victorian police were called into west court counselors for a meeting last night amid angry protest about Bendigo’s first mosque. About 100 protestors hurled abuse to counselors who’ve already approved the plans. Opponents have vowed to fight the development in the Victorian court of appeal.