澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-10-07(在线收听

 International Monetary Fund has lowered its forecast for global economic growth. The IMF now expects growth of 3.1% this year and 3.6 in 2016. The sharpest downgrades are for Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, and Russia. US President Barack Obama says he’s confident the transpacific partnership will be ratified by congress. The deal’s been a subject of fierce debate in the US with both Republicans and Democrats warning that it might / overseas. President Obama said he wouldn’t be presenting the deal to congress if it wasn’t in America’s best interests.

“So I’ve said repeatedly that I would only sign an agreement and present an agreement to congress if I could be absolutely certain it was good for American workers and good for American businesses, good for American farmers and good for American renters and good for American manufacturers. We have met that standard in this agreement.”
To the markets, and markets in the United States were mixed overnight while European markets were stronger across the border on the high price of oil. The Dow has closed marginally higher. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 were down. And in London, the FTSE gained almost 0.5% in value. Checking commodity prices, West Texas Crude is trading at 48 US dollars a barrel. Tapis is at 54 US dollars a barrel. And gold this morning is trading at nearly 1147 US dollars an ounce. The Australian dollar is buying 71.65 US cents, 64 euro cents, and 47 pence sterling.