
   The chill that has kept two of the most prominent American and Chinese tech companies out of each others’ markets has thawed a little, with Google and Huawei joining forces on a new flagship smartphone.

  The Chinese telecoms equipment giant was shut out of major US telecoms equipment deals by Congress in 2012 due to concerns that the company founded by Ren Zhengfei, an ex-military officer, spies for China — a charge Huawei denies. Consumer smartphones have been the only business open to it, though it has struggled for recognition in that business.
  On Tuesday, Google unveiled a 5.7 inch phone from Huawei, called the 6p, as part of its annual Nexus line of new Android phones. Nexus devices are intended to act as showcases for the latest Android software, with Google switching between different manufacturers each year. For the first time the search company also announced a second Nexus phone, a 5 inch device from LG.