NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-10-12(在线收听

 Turkey's Prime Minister is calling three days of mourning after 86 people were killed today in two bombings in the capital Ankara. NPR's AM reports the attacks targeted ralliers who were calling for peace between Turkish forces and Kurdish militants. Demonstrators call for an end to fighting between the Turkish state and the Kurdish PKK. That's when the first blast hit. Leading Kurdish politicians says it's in just as the public was looking forward to a truce. His HDP Party made history as the first pro-Kurdish party to enter parliament back in June. The upstart's victory was a setback for president Erdogan's ruling party. He's since launched a air campaign against the PKK which has been carrying out deadly attacks on the army. President Erdogan now is calling for unity. AM, NPR news, Biru.

IS extremists are advancing on Syria's largest city Aleppo. Russia says its warplanes are stepping up air strikes there. Moscow says it has hit dozens of IS targets the rebels say they are been targeted there.  Meanwhile, US and Russian military officials today discuss safety procedures to protect the two country's aircraft operating in Syria. A Florida judge has approved a new congressional redistricting map that could change the state's political landscape. NPR's NR reports it could also affect national politics. There are at least three incumbent congressional candidates that could be unseated by the new redistricting including US representative Dan Webster who helped to push John Boehner out of speaker of the house and he's now vying for the same position. The decision by circuit judge Terry Lewis is a blow to Webster and other house and senate leaders who've argued for other maps of the state's 27 congressional seats. Lewis's recommendation is based on voting boundaries that were proposed by a coalition of voting right groups and could help the state's Democrats. The Florida Supreme Court must decide whether to accept that recommendation and move forward with the proposal.
The death toll from flooding South Carolina has claimed to 19. More than 300 roads and bridges are closed. And South Carolina public radio's LH reports more rain is falling today. The rain poses a threat to already unstable roads, bridges and dams. Addition to local roads, a state highway washed-out causing the closure of interstate N95 to be extended. N95 serves as the major corridor for traffic on the east coast. Currently, 16 miles are closed. Governor Nikki Haley says they're working quickly to make repairs. ''They're bringing 200 truckloads of concrete. Divers are right now in the water accessing the bridges. They're moving swiftly to get this work done but it's all about safety. South Carolina Department of Transportation Assessment Teams are underground across the state. NPR news. I'm LH in Columbia, South Carolina. This is NPR news.
The International Organization for Migration says the number of migrants arriving in Greece is up sharply. IOM staff and the Greek islands have recorded some 7000 newly arrived migrants a day in the past week. That's in contrast to 4500 a day at the end of September. North Korea held a massive military parade today to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of its ruling party. North Korea's leader was there waving to the crowds. And as JS reports from Seoul, he made clear he's ready for a war. Presiding over the festivities, North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un says he's ready to fight any war waged by the quote US imperialist. Goose-stepping soldiers, military vehicles and ballistic missiles were paraded past the capital's Kim Il Sung square. North Korea's Worker's Party has ruled the country since the peninsula was divided after the second world war. Analysts have speculated that Pyongyang might launch a long-range rocket to mark the anniversary. The regime has made no comment that a test is imminent. The US  stations about 28,000 American soldiers in South Korea which is still technically at war with the North. For NPR news, I'm JS in Seoul.
India's New Deli zoo is retuning a jaguar to a zoo in Kerala because the big cat is too fat to breed. 12-year-old Salman has been on a breeding loan for a year but despite a strict diet, more room for exercise and ovaries from a female jaguar, he showed more interest in meals than in mating.  This post was generated by put listening repetition system,  Check the original dictation thread!