雅思作文语法讲解--to 是不定式还是介词(在线收听

   不定式(to do)一般是指将要或者以后发生的事情,而介词(to doing or to something)往往是指一个现有事实或者状态。

  1 Pay attention to, contribute to, lead to, give rise to 这些都是接一个现有事实,to后面要加名词。
  例:Teachers today pay attention to bullying and other behavioural problems.
  2 the solution to, the approach to, the key to, the answer to 都是表示方法和措施的一些名词,后面往往接一个现有的问题,或者事情。
  例:we want a solution to environmental problems.
  3 当说到intention, plan, wish, obligation, responsibility 等名词的时候,阐述的是一个以后要做的事情,用不定式
  例:we have the obligation to help vulnerable students.
  4 当说到动词choose, attempt, want, desire, prefer的时候,也是要加不定式,表示要发生的事情
  例:we prefer to read real books, rather than e-books.
  5 使用important, essential, vital等词的时候,相对来说就复杂点
  例:a good diet is essential to health.
  例:it is essential to have a good diet every day.
  包括其他的一些词,important, vital, helpful 等,如果主语是it,都是表示建议。
  It is important/vital/helpful to have a good diet every day.