访谈录 秋季饮食误区 三个陷阱莫误入(在线收听

 I am here for your GMA to yahoo your diet.

Fall can mean falling off your diet as it is get cooler. Here is how to keep your waisetline from getting bigger.
Here are my top 3 tips for avoiding fall diet traps. Diet trap # 1, shorter days. For close to less natural sunlight, and that triggers a dip in serotonin level, which leads to food cravings. You may be tempted to reach for that breadbasket instead go for starchy vegetables like sweet potato and squash. Diet trap # 2, seasonal drinks. A black cup of coffee clocks in at 5 calories. But as soon as you start to indulging in those pumpkin spice lattes, you are chugging down hundreds of calories. Instead, go for seasonally flavor teas, and if you have to get that latte, order the small, only get 1 pump of that sugary syrup, skip the whipped cream. This is a morning beverage. It is not dessert. Diet trap # 3, tailgating. Football season can wreak havoc on your waistline. We're talking beer and chips and chicken wings. Are you starting to salivate? is please to set some small eat limits. Don't show up hungry, and just try to eat few more celery sticks than you do chicken wings. Cheers to a happy and healthy fall.                                                    