
 Investors in Taiwan looking for the next big thing are setting their sights on Hualien, snapping up hotels in the eastern county in the hopes of striking gold after the highly anticipated arrival of mainland Chinese tourists.

Hualien is famed for its clean air, water and native aboriginal culture, but the county's selling point is the magnificent Taroko Gorge. Visitors to Taiwan consistently rate the gorge as one of the most amazing sights in Taiwan.
Most people in Taiwan recognize the value of increasing tourist arrivals, and the idea of mainland visitors has been generally well received.
There are few problems with Taiwan's service sector catering to the thousands of expected mainland tourists. However, if authorities do not adequately consider the environmental ramifications, problems could soon arise from the tourist numbers themselves.
A delicate balancing act will become necessary if significantly more people begin to flood into areas like Taroko Gorge and Sun Moon Lake. As construction on new hotels and resorts begins, environmental concerns could multiply.
Taiwan must walk a tightrope between economy and ecology. Tourists not only generate revenue, but also play a role as "advertisers" when they return home with stories and pictures of Taiwan. But we should not neglect our prized natural gems in the name of development.