访谈录 阿黛尔携新专辑《25》华丽回归(在线收听

 We are gonna begin with Adele, Rumor has it that she's Officially back, Everybody, her Blockbuster album twenty one, This, well, After her album twenty one, The someone like your singer, She's finally confirmed A new album, It's called twenty five. It's on the way, and notice it's four years after twenty one. That’s what I was supposed to Say. There you go, a little slow on the draw today. If she twenty five years old? Is that what it is?

No no no I can't, maybe, yeah, you know what, no follow up, sorry, sorry, I'm having a rough start. Can we start over? Anyway, she’s debut the first album on October 30th, she posted a heartfelt letter to her fans on tweeter explaining: Her last album was about breaking up. Her new record is about making up, Making up with herself, and making up for lost time. The album reportedly has a drop date sometime In November, will be rolling in the deep again very soon, and I'll get your answers to all of those questions and I will learn to speak English Very soon. Also in pop news this morning, Amy Schumer is in the news and Her star just keep on rising, And so does her bank balance, The Hollywood reporter is saying, the star is getting a huge pay raise On her next film, At least ten times more than she earned for Train Wreck, AwesomeYes, exact view, we've been talking a lot about this lately, Which is why I wanna bring me up, Her new project is called mother daughter. She will also executive produce it. It's due in theaters May 2017. And her paycheck will be a reported 4 to 5 million dollars. Many noting the significant step towards tightening the Hollywood gender wage gap. Great I love thatyeah she's terrific