美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-11-05(在线收听

 This is AP News Minute.President Barack Obama has found a bipart  budget deal of national default and federal spending for the 2017 fiscal year.President says the deal put the government quo on the responsible pack.

A plane carry the remains of additional victims of the weekend's plane crash in Egypt. Fire on pedence were arrived at the city of Saint Petersburg.An Russian official says Thursteen have finished examine close to the crash site are now examining a larger area.
James Carter redue his role of habitat for Comandy's prominent boosterworking with other volunteers building a human members tanesse. The former president celebrated his 91st birthday in October undergoing a treatment of a  cancer founded in    brain.Carter says so far he reacts well to the treatment.
After the marking of the anniversary of the International Space Station,it has been exactly 15 years of the stars of continuosly researched on the station.